Save the Date…October 5, 2019…4:30 Historic Hopkins Farm…3717 Fork Shoals Road,Simpsonville, SC 29680 $20.00 per person Catered by Henry’s Smokehouse More details to follow…we will be mailing invitations with details […]
Local Healthcare Entrepreneur receives national award! Changing the practice of physical therapy!
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) awarded GroupHab® Physical Therapy South Carolina PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC OF THE YEAR! Award to be given at the SC annual convention March 22, 2019. What […]
Education Reform Bill Passes
After ten months of preparation and research the comprehensive education reform bill passed by a vote of 113-4. Thirteen bipartisan amendments were added to the bill that will now go […]
Hillcrest High Class of ‘64 It’s time for another reunion.
Remember all those good times we’ve had getting together in the past. Well, come enjoy another wonderful evening with dear long time friends. The reunion is Saturday, April 27 at […]
Who is YOUR Realtor going to be?
The choice as to who will assist you with your greatest asset can be overwhelming…or seemingly simple. Let’s talk about what that process looks like. I’ll start with the other […]