Spring is in the air! The first thing that always comes to my mind when I think of spring (besides baseball) is Spring Cleaning. Beginning May 1st, our Public Works […]
In the recent past, there has been drug trafficking, attempted abduction, car theft, personal property theft, bank robberies, human trafficking (arrests made by the county on city residents), loss of over half of the employees of one department due to terminations or resignations, improper promot…
“Old Man Winter”, you’ve worn out your welcome. We have other plans.
Seriously, Winter. Take your coat and leave. This whole 45 degrees one day and 75 degrees the next is tiresome. Just go already.
The azaleas have bloomed, my car is covered in pollen, and we’re all popping antihistamines like Tic Tacs. That means it’s time for you to take a hike…
Street Survival Tactics
Welcome back Street Survivors ! If you’ve been reading this column even for a short time, you’ll know that I often use references to the animal kingdom to bring home […]
Letter to the Editor
Dear Bob and Connie Gecy,
For several years now Greater Greenville Master Gardeners have enjoyed the support of The Simpsonville Sentinel for our annual plant sale. Thank you for donating space in your paper to help us make the public aware of this event. We know from informal …