Several important decisions were made; votes taken and approvals granted in the following areas during the Monthly Mauldin City Council Meeting for JULY 2017.
a) The Proposal to allow Dogs on leashes in City Parks was APPROVED by a vote of 5-2! Of course, there are m…
International Accreditation in Jeopardy When Simpsonville Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem Refuse to Sign a Budgeted Item Expenditure
A longtime policy in the city of Simpsonville has been that the Mayor would co-sign all checks. In the Mayor’s absence, the Mayor pro tem fills that role. It has also been a policy that the budget that has been approved in the previous year would be adhered to by the new Council and it i…
New Simpsonville Police Chief
The city of Simpsonville has offered the job of Chief of Police to Keith Grounsell, the current Chief Investigator for the 13th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office. The conditional offer of […]