In a few days an uncommon, intriguing, and exciting astronomical event is going to cast its shadow over the upstate, and across our whole country from Oregon to South Carolina! Of course, it is the total eclipse of the sun by the moon.
Totality, the 100% covering of the sun, will last appro…
Moonville Mae says Hey Yellowstone!
It’s summer again and everybody’s vacationing. Most are going to the beach and/or the mountains, but many are taking off to a park somewhere. Our national parks are treasures that we all are blessed to be able to enjoy. Thank goodness, our forefathers were wise enoug…
Queen of the Night – Majestic Display
When we have visitors in our garden, it’s not unusual for someone to ask, “What is that?” The plant that evokes this question is a Night Blooming Cereus, also known as Queen of the Night, but I must admit it looks anything but royal! The plant is a succulent, part of the c…
Simpsonville Garden Club Celebrates Award-Winning Year
The Simpsonville Garden Club installed new officers and received and gave awards at three separate events this Spring. The first event, the Garden Club of SC Annual Conference was held April 28-29th in Greenville at the Poinsett Hotel.. SGC took First Place prizes for its website (www.simpsonvill…
Welcome Blue Birds…A birds eye view
Imagine the rush of excitement at seeing the first flash of brilliant blue darting across your yard on a February afternoon. Even though it doesn’t seem like we have had a winter, it’s still exciting to see the color of “blue” knowing that spring is just around the c…