Well! I hate to write this article, but the editor is here, and I am sitting on my deck with him. He is waiting for me to write this short piece for this issue of his paper. This is also my last article for the Sentinel because I am leaving Simpsonville on May 21st. I have sold my property to a young couple from Greenville. The property is a perfect place for them to raise a family. I have lived in this home for almost 50 years, but I will be leaving Simpsonville to retire in the low country where I spent most of my early life. I love Simpsonville and its people. It was just a small town when Joyce and I came here to open our drugstore in 1970. We were the first new business to come here, and some folks told us we would not stay long. They were wrong. The residents of the community welcomed us with open arms. I sure will miss all of the friends that I have loved for 50 years and all of the folks that tell me how much they enjoy reading my banter. I will try to come back and visit, but I will be coming back someday to stay, as Joyce and I will be buried in the city cemetery. We put our headstones up some 20 years ago, all it needs is my death date.
I sold my property to a very nice young couple and they are anxious to live here. I hope they will love the place like we have loved and enjoyed it. Please welcome them like you did for Joyce and I. Sad to think…this is of course my last article. May the Lord bless each of you as he did for Joyce and me and the memories of JJ drugstore.
Loving you in my future dreams… I will be back to visit from time to time as I have my sister-in-law and her family over in Poinsettia subdivision and lots of friends that I will want to see.
Best Wishes to you all!
Till next time!