One thing for sure, I don’t know what Mother Nature has in store for us. It has been rain and cold and rain and cold…we even have a wintry weather advisory. But, with the sunny days in the 60’s coming up, it may have the native plants fooled. My rhododendrons may start trying to bloom now instead of April and some of my early azaleas may burst into bloom too. They have done that before. Just a few days ago I had to chip ice out of the birdbath. One of my neighbors has a Japanese magnolia getting ready to bloom; the buds are swelling on mine. I live down the hill and on the bank of Rock Creek. I guess that makes a difference in the temperature. Your guess may be better than mine.
My dad was a farmer in what we call the low country. He never planted anything until the maple trees put out their buds. He planted corn and cotton one year and we had a late freeze that split the bark on the maples. He had to replant. That was a job back then, as all the work was done with the mule and the turn plow. Horses were only used for riding or pulling the buggy. Mules did all the hard work.
I hope you have planted your spring blooming bulbs by now. If not, you can put them in the fridge for a week, then plant them. I know a lot of tricks like that to beat nature. These tricks sure do come in handy! As most of you know, at one I time had the only nursery and landscape company this side of Greenville.
If you have shrubs or small trees that you need to trim, don’t put it off. They need to be pruned before March in this area. The sap will be rising soon and that’s one thing for sure. I never ever prune crepe myrtles. If a crepe myrtle needs pruning it has been planted in the wrong place. I’m sad to see so many that are pruned.
I am a Gamecock, but Clemson taught me a lot when I took their short course on plants and turf. If you need more info, get in touch with Clemson or go to a local garden club meeting. There are lots of smart people in Garden Clubs!
Till next time!