Commentary, Editorial

Letter to the Editor

COVID-19 Overkill

Dear Mr. Gecy: Recently a new restriction has been placed on the public. This restriction concerns bars and restaurants in that face masks must be worn but only to walk from your vehicle to your seat or barstool inside the establishment. Also, when walking to/from the restrooms. When seated, the face mask is not required. I suppose that COVID-19 can only be contracted while walking and not while seated. How idiotic is that? In addition, bars/restaurants must close no later than 11 pm. Does that mean that COVID-19 is only contracted after 11 pm?

No consideration at all has been given to restaurant/bar owners who are struggling to stay open. The results of all the requirements is the shutting down of 1,000’s of local South Carolina small businesses, most of whom will never again reopen.

For each bar/restaurant that closes down, many employees are furloughed/laid off and facing unemployment. That really does not stimulate the economy.

I voted for McMasters but question how much thought has been given to some of these restrictions.

Thank you for your consideration in printing this article.


Roger LeGros
108 Allison Dr.
Fountain Inn, SC 29644

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