Fork Shoals, Fountain Inn, Local, Mauldin, Moonville, Piedmont, Sports

Horse Yoga

Yes, this is a real thing.

Let’s Saddle Up therapeutic horsemanship at Solid Rock Stables has started having Horse Yoga lessons for their riders and boarders at the barn. Horse Yoga compliments riding lessons and helps the rider to relax while on the back of a horse and ultimately become a better rider. The two-hour class starts on the ground beside the horse. The horse is used as an assist for balancing during the Yoga positions. Then each participant mounts their horse and continues those positions while on the back of the horse. Some participants use saddles, and some participates are bareback. “What I was so impressed with at first, was Trudy Messer- (Yoga instructor) was teaching how to sit in the saddle, just like I have been teaching. We agree on lots of positional corrections for each rider.” Sharron Dillard

Horse Yoga is a new concept. I must credit one of my Senior Riders for the idea. She read about it in a Magazine. So, we asked Trudy to come to our barn and do a clinic. We just completed our third clinic. With Social Media we have been able to share our Horse Yoga idea all over the world.

Sharron Dillard Let’s Saddle Up instructor■

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