“I have lived in Mauldin for 48 years. My fellow citizens elected me and have re-elected me to serve on City council 6 times. I have served the City and its citizens for 6 terms. During my career and my years serving on City council, I have done so without prejudice against anyone based on their race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or age. I believe that each person should be judged on their own merits without bias or prejudice. I, for example, supported the selection of the current City Administrator who is Black, not because of his race, but because he was the best candidate for the job.
“Recently, I received a Facebook message concerning the controversy involving historic monuments which I re-posted on my Facebook account. Unfortunately, I did not realize at that time that this posting would upset members of our community and suggest that I am a racist. I regret this and now understand why this was offensive. Throughout life we all make mistakes and learn from them. As a public leader, I pledge that this will never happen again.
“I have met with leaders from our Black community and listened carefully and respectfully to their concerns and their request that I resign as a member of Council. I have reflected about their concerns and searched my heart to decide what I should do. I have concluded that I can serve the entire Mauldin community without prejudice or bias against anyone.
Therefore, I will not resign from City Council. In the future, I pledge to reach out to our minority community and seek input from its leaders. It is my desire to serve all of the Mauldin community fairly and without prejudice.”
Dale Black, Councilman
(864)444-3185 | dblack@mauldincitysc.com■