Have you completed your census questions yet? If not, now is a great time to do it. The census dates to the very beginning of our country. It’s origin is in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. We have done a census every ten years since 1790. This is so important for our community because the census helps determine where federal dollars go. We’re talking schools, highway planning, firefighters, families in need, and many other things. Your answers shape the future of Simpsonville. I’ve already completed our family’s questionnaire and it took about five minutes. It’s really just a few questions. Please complete your form online, by phone, or by mail when your invitation to respond arrives. Visit my2020census.gov to begin.
In other news—and it’s good news!—the Simpsonville Farmers Market will open May 9th at 8:00AM at Simpsonville City Park. This is right on time and it’s especially needed right now. Things will be a bit different though. Vendors will be spread out, you won’t be allowed to handle the produce, and we all need to practice social distancing. Don’t bring your pets. As a matter of fact, please limit your participation to one family representative. This isn’t an “outing” for the family, it’s a time to get the things you love at the Farmers Market. I know all the vendors will appreciate your support. This is just one sign that our economy is getting started up again. Governor McMaster is beginning to ease up on some of the restrictions that are in place. Please please please follow his lead on this. The Governor isn’t starting things back as a free for all. The danger from Covid-19 isn’t gone. We need to continue following the social distancing rules, wearing gloves and masks, and thoroughly controlling the spread of this disease. If we fail at this we’ll see a new spike in cases and have to do a second round of economic shutdown and that would be bad. I know you’ll do it well. I’ve been impressed with Simpsonville’s response to this crisis.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Thanks for listening.
Now back to work..■