To my surprise and delight, I an independent Realtor with eXp Realty, received an amazing award from the Greenville Chamber. I was chosen as “Small Business of the Month 2019” for August. The Greenville Chamber’s vision is “a globally competitive Upstate economy where businesses succeed, and people prosper.” The Small Business of the Month acknowledgment is an opportunity for a business to showcase their successes. The selection is via a vote of elects and past winners. Once the votes were tallied, I was notified by the Greenville Chamber and invited to attend their Board Meeting that was held at Furman University. The honors given include the beautiful plaque presented before the Greenville Chamber Board of Directors, a blog post about my business and my business showcased through their website, e-news and social media outlets. Cowart Awards presented me with the gorgeous memento that has my company name displayed proudly for all to see. I wanted to get that out right away so I can explain where the honor should truly be directed.
Let’s start with my clients…Everyone who knows me knows I love what I do as a Realtor, and I’m honored just to be a part of the decisions my clients make about their home ownership. My two daughters are no doubt my big why. They are the reason why I work so hard to show them the attributes necessary to soar high in this tough world. They catapult me into levels I never dreamed.
Also every day I rely on God’s Grace and very humbly I ask Him to send me all the people that need my help. I believe He does just that.
I want to send a very special THANK YOU to the Greenville Chamber, their affiliates, and the leaders of this wonderful town. I feel incredibly honored to be a part of the life changing things you do for businesses, families and your investor partners.
Brande Bree Gorham
Editor’s note: Brande is a full time Realtor with eXp and writes a Real Estate column for the Sentinel…Congratulations Brande!♦