
Letter to the Editor

I am a retired level 1 trauma nurse who worked in leading facilities. As I am sending this, and seeing another mass shooting, perhaps the outcome of violence associated with psychiatric drugs may also want to be reviewed, that may be contributing? These drugs have been shown to cause violence as side effects. When you play with people’s brains with drugs and electricity anything can result sadly.

Electroshock, proven in California courts to cause traumatic brain injury at minimum, is now a national product liability suit. There are two suits filed against the Food and Drug Administration on this issue: medical malpractice firms in multiple states interviewing for potential suits, cover-ups involving billions annually. One constant outcome in ALL patients is TBI with material risk of brain damage missing from consents. Please see ectjustice.com, now owned by the DK Law Group. There are billions generated by this annually in the US alone.

Providers and facilities are culpable of criminally failing in duty to warn protect and not cause harm. There is no FDA testing for safety or effectiveness. It involves up to 450 volts to the brain and greater. This is also happening to children, veterans and women in pregnancy. It is no longer used as a last resort, nor for just depression. Survivors need help to address TBI outcomes. Patients also often have ongoing cardiac issues, and ALS secondary to electrical trauma is being diagnosed in some. It is happening at leading institutions. Inform yourselves, please.

Deborah Schwartzkopff
Warm regards and my gratitude.
Deborah Schwartzkopff
Mcminnville OR♦

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