Dear Bob and Connie,
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for printing the GGMG’s Plant Sale flyer in the Simpsonville Sentinel again this year.
As in previous years, good folks in the Greenville and surrounding communities, got up early and were in line when I arrived at 10 minutes before 7 o’clock. At 8, the tapes dropped and the shopping began and by noon most of the plants were sold. Your help in getting the word out really makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.
As you may know, the plant sale is our largest fundraiser and so many of our projects depend on its success. The Master Gardeners maintain The Butterfly and Heritage Gardens at Roper Mountain Science Center and The Children’s Garden Downtown Greenville. Funds from the plant sale also benefit Greenville County Schools as we award grants for gardening education each year. I could name others projects that are funded by monies from our Annual Plant Sale but you get the idea.
Thanks again for your support.
Faye LeGros