The Upstate Men’s Choir president, Robert Mitchell; vice president, Roland Smith; and founder/conductor Loren Pinkerman presented a check from their Veteran’s Day Concert to personnel from the Upstate Warrior Solution. The choir plans to sing at least one benefit concert every year.
Mr. Loren Pinkerman announced today that a benefit performance in conjunction with Preservation South Carolina is slated for December 7 at the Abbeville Opera House. The concert will benefit the restoration project at the historic Trinity Church in Abbeville.
Members of the choir are busily preparing for their Spring Concert scheduled for 5 o’clock on Saturday evening, April 27, at Memorial United Methodist in Greer. There is no admission charge. However, an offering will be received to help defray expenses.
For more information call 706.302.1871 or lpinkerman@gmail.com♦