welcoming Pastor Scott & Noelle as the new shepherds of HTCC
On April 21, Happy Trails Cowboy Church will once again hold a “Son Rise” service, celebrating the life, sacrificial death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
A year ago, on April 1, during our Easter service, the church welcomed its new pastor, Scott Lawson, and his wife, Noelle, into the church. So this year is sort of a double celebration. Not only will we celebrate the Resurrection of our Risen Savior, we will also celebrate the one-year anniversary of our Pastor and his wife at Happy Trails.
Pastor Scott submits the following pertaining to Christ’s agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane prior to his arrest.
Jesus said, “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” His human side was not looking forward to the pain of suffering he would endure, but his Godly side was willing to do His Father’s will. This led to my wondering if the Holy Spirit went to the Father on Jesus’ behalf with moans and groans that Jesus’ human side didn’t understand, but His Godly side did—and this is what helped Jesus accept the Father’s will. Just food for thought leading up to the Easter season. If you would like to hear more about this subject, then come join us at 7 AM on April 21. ♥ Pastor Scott Lawson
Redeemers of Faith
The service will be held under the shelter near the arena. Happy Trails Cowboy Church is located on Hwy 25 South (9530 Augusta Road) Pelzer. The arena entrance is just beyond the Dollar General store on the right.
If you want to celebrate Easter morning in a unique way, come to the service on April 21, where you can sit outside under a shelter and watch the sun rise, hear a tremendous message from God’s word, and enjoy uplifting songs by Arvie and Bunny Bennett from Nashville, TN. You might even see a few folks riding around on horses.
A bountiful breakfast will be served after the service.
To keep up with HTCC and its agenda, join our Facebook page and be sure to check out our new website: happytrailscowboychurch.org