At a recent meeting of the Laurens District Genealogical Society the new officers were installed by Dianne Culbertson.
The program was on the Babb family of Laurens County and their migration path from Maine.
Judy Riddle, Susan Sexton, and Betty Tucker presented a fascinating story of their Babb ancestors.
Our February meeting will be given by Renita Cooper Allen. We will meet Thursday, February 14 at the Laurens County Library at 7:30.
She will share her genealogical research on her Isaac Newton Cooper and Sarah Margaret Culbertson ancestors.
Her other sir names are Moore, Jones, Washington, and Wells. Our March 14 meeting will be given by Jack Marlar of Fountain Inn.
His program will be “The Grandeur and Firsts of South Carolina. “ South Carolina ‘s leaders and inventors will be featured. The “ Discovering Laurens
County “ Books will be for sale. There are over 1,000 pages of Laurens County History preserved in the three volumes.
Everyone is welcome to the meetings. Genealogy is a never-ending story and you meet so many interesting cousins and friends.
Thank you,
Sarah Jane Armstrong – 864-876-3712♦
Miss Armstrong,
You had a profound impact on me when I was in elementary school. I’ll never forget you and am grateful for the positive influence your example has been to me throughout my entire life. I now have 6 kids myself and wish they had a P.E. Teacher like you! I’m still trying to teach them how to ride the unicycle 🙂