Greenville County will be developing a new 10 year growth study in 2019, and this is an exciting time for the upper and lower parts of the county to participate in local government.
I live on property of my Great grandfather just below W. Georgia Rd. below Moonville. At one point my ancestor owned 2000 acres from W. Georgia to Moonville, not to mention all the Peden property near Fairview. And I know many of you are still on family property too. What a blessing in this time of dispersed families. But there are many new comers who have fallen in love with our area too, and we are proud to share this love with them.
As the County Council members participate in the upcoming 10 year study, I hope they will take the year 2019 to complete a reasonable 10 year plan that will support infrastructure as well as temper sprawl. At the December Council meeting they voted 8 to 4 to wait until after the study is complete to begin any plan to implement sewer in the Moonville to Ware Place area. Metro Sewer wants to reinstate their options for Southern Greenville. This would have set a precedent for the whole county – North and South. I believe it is the better part of wisdom to wait a year asking for constituent input and data.
I attended the workshop about how best to control growth in Greenville County last winter when Chair Kirven invited experts in the field. The information laid out a plan that included having property owners participate in making a long range plan for the whole county that will keep the county from going broke over infrastructure issues during this period of extensive growth. Many developers make their money on a project and then leave the infrastructure upkeep to the county, and this may cause a real break down of the tax base within the next 20 years.
We must see this planning effort through before giving advantages to any business, be it water, sewer, or developer. I’m asking County Council and taxpayers to take the year 2019 to complete a reasonable plan that will support infrastructure as well as temper sprawl.
As chair of your Greenville County Historic Preservation Commission, I ask you to also consider the Historic Augusta Road Corridor from State line to State line as an historical and recreational draw. We are nearly finished with restoration of the exterior of the Goodwin House, early 1800s, at Hwys. 11 and 25, and off Hwy. 25 South, we are helping to restore the second oldest African American school building in the state, 1880. There are 100 houses over 100 years old in the stretch from Moonville to Princeton. This is an important corridor for history as well as growth.
We must consider all the pros and cons before moving forward. Council, staff, and property owners have important work ahead in 2019. Please give us the best for this county’s people. Business growth isn’t the be all or end all. Quality of life should be the final goal.
Moonville Mae
Anne Peden♦