The event presents the largest (42’ x 26’) push button operated, interactive layout on the East Coast from the Atlantic Coast S Gauge model train club.
The ACSG: Carolinas Div. is a group of railroad modelers interested in promoting model railroading, especially in S gauge.
Each member of the club has a favorite railroad that they like to model. The layout features American Flyer trains from the 1940’s and 1950’s, along with operating accessories, as well as the new Piedmont ‘N Southern Modular N Scale layout.
The purpose of the Piedmont ‘N Southern Model Railroad Club is to promote the hobby of model railroading through creation of an operating modular N-scale model railroad layout built to Ntrak and/or Bend Track standards.
This layout is intended to be displayed to the general public.
Rekindle your childhood memories, those long ago days, when times were simpler and life was slower. The exhibit is set up in different rooms so guests can enjoy the various trains and everyone isn’t crowded into one room.
Bring the kids and let them operate the accessories (including saw mill, log loader, barrel loader, outhouse door, etc.) and “engineer” Thomas the Tank Engine train from Thomas“ Cab.
Event Location:
Mauldin Cultural Center
101 East Butler
Road Mauldin, SC 29662
Free Admission : Donations Appreciated!
For Information:
(864) 297-1323♦