A relatively new Lions Club in Simpsonville, the Centennial Lions Club of Simpsonville, will be holding a fundraiser at the McDonald’s restaurant at 692 Fairview Rd. on Tuesday, March 13 from 5 to 8 PM. The McDonald’s/Lions Club event is planned to encourage public awareness about the Lions Club and its mission. Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Lions Club. During this event you will find traditional brooms available for sale and eyeglass donation boxes.
Formed a little over a year ago, the Centennial Lions Club meets monthly at the United Community Bank in Simpsonville. As their mission statement reflects, their intent is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs.
According to David Woods, Vice President of Membership, “Broom sales, over our first hundred years, have been the mainstay of the fundraising within the Lions, we are fortunate to have many other benefactors. The McDonalds of Simpsonville are a great example of how businesses support their community through the Lions. These funds go a long way in helping us meet our motto “We Serve.” The pillars of the Lions generally don’t create visible footprints, but the constant warm feelings from Helping Others cannot be put to words for Lions members, worldwide
Founded in 1917, Lions Clubs International extends its mission of service every day – in local communities, in all corners of the globe. The needs are great and their services are broad, including sight, health, youth, elderly, the environment and disaster relief. Our international network has grown to include over 200 countries and geographic areas.
Terry Stephenson- Owner-Operator – McDonald’s of Simpsonville added these comments.
“I am proud to say that I have been associated with the Lion’s Club for over 18 years. I love the Organization due to its wide-ranging focus on various needs throughout our local communities and throughout the World. Our Mission can be summed up in our slogan, ‘We serve'”.
Larry Balentine who is serving as the Guiding Lion added that a lot of good things are done by the Lions Club without any publicity. “Our mission is more personal. We are the largest service organization in the world represented in over 200 countries. Lions Club was nominated for a Nobel peace prize the year Jimmy Carter won”.
Helen Keller addressed the Lions Clubs International Convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1925, and challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Since then, they have worked tirelessly to aid the blind and visually impaired.
That relationship spurred the Lions Club’s interest in defeating blindness and has evolved into Lions Clubs around this country and in the world. Accepting the challenge, Lions Clubs have developed methods to test children less than eight years of age. One of those is the Spot Camera that Lions members have used to examine over 10,000 students a year in an attempt to detect early vision issues. The results of that mission have evolved the Lions into encouraging early detection of childhood cancers and diabetes.
“If you are interested in becoming a Simpsonville Centennial Lion, giving back to our community, and making a world of difference, please contact Membership Chairperson, Lion Dave Woods, at 864-757-9812. No matter how you choose to serve, Lions matter now more than ever!♦