Local, Mauldin

Mauldin Senior Center news


LADIES TEA – Thur., Feb.22—2:00 pm

The Julie Valentine Center is a private, non-profit organization that provides free, confidential services to victims of sexual assault and child abuse. They educate the community on how to identify, respond to, and prevent sexual violence and child abuse. Their mission statement and philosophy provide the framework for all of the services. We serve cake and hot tea. SIGN UP IN THE OFFICE AND LET US KNOW IF YOU WANT FRUIT INSTEAD OF CAKE.

HANDS ON CPR –  Tues. March 6 – 11:00

Hands Only CPR is a nationwide initiative developed by the American Heart Association to teach life-saving skills to laypeople. The technique consists of two steps: Call 911 and push fast and hard in the center of the chest.  Cardiac arrests occur outside the hospital environment every 40 seconds with less than 46% of those patients receiving CPR. Using Hands Only CPR triples those chances for survival. The teaching session lasts approximately one hour. The first half is teaching and discussion and the second half of the session is demonstration and hands on learning. We will cover causes of cardiac arrests, the differences between cardiac arrest and heart attacks, and the differences between Hands Only CPR and certified CPR.
Hands Only CPR is only effective for teenagers and adults. This is not a CPR certification class. SIGN UP ON THE BOARD.

IDENTITY THEFT – Tuesday, Feb 27—11:00

Please join Park Sterling Bank  for information on identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone gains unauthorized access to your personal identity, such as your name, Social Security Number (SSN), or bank account information – and uses it to commit fraud or other crimes.
You will learn tips on how to prevent Identify Theft.  SIGN UP ON THE BOARD.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL – Thurs., Feb 15 – 12:00

Come Join Good News Travels for an Ice Cream Social and learn all about the in-and outs of traveling with this company.   You will meet some of the staff and find out why group traveling is ideal and safe for Senior adults. The payments system will be explained and you get to make suggestions of where you want to travel in the future.  Don’t miss this one!  SIGN UP IN THE OFFICE.

SWAMP RABBITS HOCKEY  – Tuesday, Feb 13– vans will leave the center at 6:00 PM * Cost: $ 13:00 pp

The Greenville Swamp Rabbits are taking on the Atlanta Gladiators.  Come enjoy a winter game while it’s still cold.  We will drop you off at the door and pick you up there afterwards.  SIGN UP IN THE OFFICE

SEWING –  Wed., Feb 21– 10:00 am  * Cost: $15.00

JoAnn will show us how to upcycle a man’s sport coat into a Ladies Purse. All materials are provided.  You may bring your sewing machine or use one of ours. SIGN UP IN THE OFFICE WHEN YOU PAY.♦

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