A lot of folks have been trying to guess what’s to be built on Grandview Drive. This is of some concern to me because it’s only a few feet from my 12 acres.
I’m less worried about it now for I know what’s to be built there, and honestly I’m glad to be rid of all the dumping that’s been going on there far too long!
The company that’s hauling off all of the debris and junk is owned by a friend of mine. We attend the same church. Last Sunday we discussed all he has had to deal with in this cleanup. A small mountain of used tires, fifty-five gallon oil drums that still contained used oil and loads of soil had to be removed and good soil had to be brought in. That’s good business for the hauling company, but very expensive for the developers!
To stop all the guessing, I am told that modern apartments will be built on this property. I’m sure glad it’s not an all-night operation or some other nuisance. I have rental homes on my side of the creek and I wouldn’t want the renters to be disturbed or not able to sleep at night.
I guess I’m just not ready for all of this progress to intrude on my property with more and more building, but there is no stopping Progress…not even for me!
I do send a wish for a Very Merry Christmas, and to all…Thanks for Reading!