Well folks, it’s that time again. It seems like I just gave the editor my last offering. As I get older the time goes by faster. When I was young I would hear people saying these same words. Now, I know just what they were saying. I go to bed on Friday night and when I wake up it’s already Monday morning. You older folks know what I mean but the younger crowd is always in a hurry to get somewhere. You young folks try to slow down and enjoy life…you will never regret doing that. You always want to be able to look back and say, “It was worth it”. I sure have enjoyed a good life through all the years I have experienced, and now being able to do what I want to when I want to do it is great. Retirement isn’t bad at all.
I am in the dark about the folks that offer to serve the community after the election. I will read up and I will try to vote for someone that will be “up front” on the issues that concern me. I hope you will vote. If you don’t vote you cannot complain later on when things go against your wishes. I love this town and I wish to see it continue to prosper as folks seem to drift this way to get out of the big city to our north. I live close to I 385 and it’s amazing how much the traffic on it has increased in the last few years. I guess that’s one definition of progress.
I mentioned in my last writing that the property across the creek from me was being cleared for development. I just heard through the grapevine that it will be a huge apartment complex. We are truly becoming the bedroom community of the county. I have no complaints. It will mean more taxes in the coffers of the city, but it will mean more traffic on West Georgia and other routes we travel. If the downtown businesses want some of this economic growth in their trade, they need to get rid of the islands on Main Street to accommodate the increase in traffic down there.
Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time,