Fountain Inn, Nature

Garden Club volunteers create Memory Garden for Quillen Manor

Fountain Inn is truly a town of open hearts and hands! Recently an opportunity presented itself to the citizens to assist in a garden project at QUILLEN MANOR along with FI Garden Club members.

Outside the Memory Care unit, there was a fabulous screened porch, but nothing for the residents to see, do, or hear while there.

A gray, weathered wooden fence was front and center, but who wanted took at that? So, Donna Simpson, Patient Advocate at QUILLEN MANOR and Sheila Miller, decided on a plan.

Let’s decorate the fence! Let’s add more plants! Big ones, little ones – a few garden flags and a bird house or 2. Let’s hang some ferns and baskets on the porch, place shepherd’s hooks outside each patient’s window with a flower or bird feeder…yes, let’s add this and that…the list went on!

But wait…there was no money. No allotted budget. So the call went out – volunteers needed to assist and donations need to fund this project.

What an outpouring response!  Lush and lovely hanging baskets were donated by INN SEASON, while LILIES ON MAIN made a generous cash donation. Over 30 individuals made donations of gift cards, cash or specific items like garden flags, shepherd poles, decorative garden accessories and flowers galore! Even ones made from recycled glass and painted rocks.

From initial concept to 90% complete, the Memory Garden and the other resident’s garden spaces were amazingly transformed in less than one month!  This was all possible only by the ‘helping hands and caring hearts’ of many people.

3 workdays included community volunteers, students needing service hours and family members of residents, as well as Donna Simpson and Sheila Miller, who spearheaded the project on behalf of the Fountain Inn Garden Club.

If you would like to donate to complete the last 10% of the project, contact Sheila or Donna.♦


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