Fork Shoals Historical Society held its 2nd quarterly meeting at the Fork Shoals Mission House at 11AM. Chairperson, Jim Scott, called the meeting to order. Also in attendance were Cheryl MacKnight, Carolyn Ray, Mike Ray, Kitty Ross, Susan Jenkins, Ellen Cotton, Gloria Hughey, Gary Hughey, and Kay Burns. A quorum was not present with only five of the ten current board members present.
Jim Scott opened with discussion on the status of the old Fork Shoals School building. The school district has work being done but we have no reports on details, scope of work being done, or updates on the possible use as a community center. Our school building/community center committee will continue to look into this and await word from Lisa Wells.
Cheryl MacKnight reported a treasury balance of $9239.31.
Preservation of the Choice cemetery on Craigo Road was discussed. Jim Scott and Kay Burns called Jack Marlar, who could not remember quote for straightening stones, but thought it was 1600-1700. That work quote was provided by Kyle Campbell. Mr. Marlar is recovering from heart surgery. Jim and Kay will find out the cost, as well as a quote from Jason Harp who repaired the Gaines cemetery, but his cost may be more expensive. Everyone in attendance thought it was a worthwhile project for Fork Shoals Historical Society. The Donaldson cemetery on Oliver Scotts Mill Rd needs much work, too. However, all agreed on doing only one project at a time. Moving forward on the Choice cemetery work can be by email vote when we have a current quote for cost. Saving money for the community center is a priority at this time.
Future fundraisers were discussed, primarily the possibility of another Teal house tour, or an event at the Hopkins house. This subject will be brought up at our next meeting, probably in September, to begin planning for next year.
Gloria Hughey said a meeting about the Fork Shoals Christmas Parade was scheduled in September. All in attendance agreed to continue an annual gift to cover some of the expense for the parade in the amount of $100, to be reimbursed from food and supply receipts.
Kay Burns asked for information on local family reunions. She is beginning to work with someone to plan an annual event for the South Greenville and Laurens area, to bring people and history together.
Our next meeting will be in September, time and place to be announced.
–Cheryl MacKnight♦