A longtime policy in the city of Simpsonville has been that the Mayor would co-sign all checks. In the Mayor’s absence, the Mayor pro tem fills that role. It has also been a policy that the budget that has been approved in the previous year would be adhered to by the new Council and it i…
Other News
Simpsonville Police Chief Graduates from Prestigious Police Commanders School
On September 18, 2012 the Simpsonville Police Department hired a new Chief of Police. The newly appointed Chief, Keith P. Grounsell, came with a pedigree that was far different from his predecessor. Chief Grounsell had his Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and law enforcement experienc…
Lifelong Public Servants & Local Heroes Expand Business Locally
Over the course of the last 8 months Keith Grounsell has been asked more times than he can remember, “what are you doing now since you are no longer the […]
Mayor Misleads Media; Simpsonville Officially Under SLED Investigation
Over one month ago Simpsonville’s Police Chief Keith Grounsell was fired. Since that date the city council chambers have been packed at full capacity for every council meeting and the […]
New Simpsonville Police Chief
The city of Simpsonville has offered the job of Chief of Police to Keith Grounsell, the current Chief Investigator for the 13th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office. The conditional offer of […]