Just a reminder that you can send comments and questions directly to me at StreeTactics@gmail.com. I do enjoy hearing your opinions and answering your questions in my column.
Welcome back Street Survivors!

Hoping your summer is going well, safe and secure. As I sometimes do in this column, I like to highlight a local Veteran’s group that is assisting those that have served our nations defense. Today you get a TWO-fer ! One of these groups is just starting and the other has a track record of over 6 years helping hundreds of local Veterans!
The first group is focused on the Special Forces community and meets monthly at 13 Stripes Brewery at Taylors Mills, a local Patriotic hangout for several Veteran’s groups. Special Forces Upstate South Carolina can be found on Facebook and contacted at: 864-477-8817 or email Todd, call sign ‘Bad Company’ at dcarpen1963@gmail.com.

We are currently looking for U.S. Army Green Berets and anyone that has supported or served directly with a Special Forces unit. This new chapter of the Special Forces Association will be the 3rd chapter in the state of South Carolina, and very active in the local community. Recently we’ve awarded two ROTC medals and associated plaques to candidates at Furman and Clemson Universities. We also assist other Veteran’s Groups such as Veteran’s Last Patrol working with local hospice groups, American Legions, Warriors Once Again which assists homeless Veterans in restoring their lives, Patriot Guard Riders escorting deceased Veteran’s to their final resting place, and several others. Help us reach out to any Special Forces soldiers that you may know, so we can mobilize our efforts and help our local communities.
The second group has been around since 2014 and has grown exponentially each year. Vets Helping Vets Anderson started with 14 dedicated members and today has a Facebook presence and a website: vetshelpingvetsanderson.com. This group meets every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Anderson Elks Club, 225 McGee Road in Anderson. The last 3 weeks, they’ve averaged over 100 attendees from every branch of the military, including World War 2 Veteran’s in their 90’s and active-duty Veteran’s that are still serving. If you visit the Facebook page, you’ll see recent photos of their members in action, helping Veteran’s with everything from lawn mowing during an illness, building handicap ramps, transportation to an appointment, or just comradery. Just this week, they’ve mowed 14 yards, built two handicap ramps and poured footers for a new utility room they are building for a 97 year old World War 2 Vet!
This is a high speed organization, which is not surprising when you realize the Founder Jesse Taylor, used to race speed boats for a living ! No membership fees or dues, just the real deal, Vets Helping Vets.
A small splinter group has also formed on Monday nights for Veterans’ facing PTSD and other similar challenges in their lives. This kind of support is what Veteran’s and their families deserve, and this group passes the test with flying colors.
One of the original goals was to reach out to younger Veteran’s returning to civilian life to show them appreciation, which many Vietnam era Veterans did not receive, and to help them navigate the confusing waters of the Veteran’s Administration. They have been very successful in achieving this goal as well, and it is still a focus of the group today.
For more information on Vets Helping Vets Anderson, please contact Jesse at 864-245-0181, or join me on a Wednesday and check out the meeting for yourself. Guaranteed you’ll make some new friends and appreciate the Patriotism and Love that permeates the room.
Tip of the beret to both of these excellent organizations!
De Oppresso Liber –We Liberate the Oppressed !
Stay safe, be prepared
Rick ‘Pirate Hunter’ Grover strongly believes we are all in this together, and the more we learn and train, the better we will be prepared for any eventuality. This makes all of us part of an amazing neighborhood team of
American Patriots. God Bless America ! Drop us a comment or question at
Email: StreeTactics@gmail.com ■