Simpsonville Garden Club – Press Release
Simpsonville Garden Club met on Tuesday, February 11th for a program “Protecting Bees in the Garden.” Mr. Jim McCormac, Owner of J & J Apiary, a natural honey producer in Piedmont, SC presented the program.
Mr. McCormac went into great and often humorous detail about the life cycle of bees in a hive. He explained how their work is segregated and how the queen bee is created and maintained. Some bees work so hard they literally fly their wings off in the course of their duties.
But more important was the message that Mr. McCormac delivered about how critical honeybees and other pollinators are in the production of food. Bees and pollinators are responsible for the majority of food production world-wide. Bee populations (and other pollinators) are dwindling and it is critical we reverse this trend. One way to achieve this is thru best practices in lawn and garden care.
Simpsonville Garden Club meets the Second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 am. Visitors are fellow gardeners are welcome!
Our March 10th program will feature a program with slides on “Gardens of London” presented by Christine Barnett. Please see our website: for more news and information.
On April 14th we will travel to the Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve in Spartanburg for a guided tour.
On May 12th we meet for the last meeting of the year at the Kilgore Lewis House in Greenville. This is both an awards luncheon and the installation of new officers for the coming year. We will meet again on August 11th.♥