Commentary, Mauldin

No Matter What the Address Says, We’re Glad You’re in Mauldin.

Taft Matney

A couple of weeks ago I had a text exchange with a longtime friend.

Her: “Hey!!! Hope you are well! Random question – all that development that is coming in at Bridges and Butler- is it Mauldin? I didn’t think it was in the city. Thanks!”

Me: “It’s Mauldin, but the ZIP Code is

Her: “So strange!”

Me: “Yeah. Mauldin has a lot of ZIP Codes, but only one is designated as Mauldin. We have Greenville 29607 and 29605, Simpsonville 29680 and 29681, and Mauldin 29662. I have a 29607 address, but I’m in Mauldin city limits.”

Her: “Thanks for the info! I was just walking with some friends, and we were talking about Mauldin and

Me: “Let me give you a call. :)”

I knew that as confusing as our exchange was, it would just be easier if we had an actual conversation. Mauldin has grown A LOT over the past year. We’ve had a number of property owners decide that they want to be in the city and take advantages of the services that the city has to offer, but that growth comes with questions.

A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece about ZIP Codes and the process that would have to occur to have ZIP code unification in the Mauldin area. To call it an undertaking would be an understatement, but with the amount of property that has been annexed over the past 12-24 months, the ZIP Code maps would have to be continuously redrawn.

As the city annexes property, the biggest things that change are that the property owner will be entitled to city services and…well, that’s the biggest thing. Not much else will change. Even their ZIP Codes will remain the same.

When the former Bonnie Brae golf course is eventually developed, the address will still be Greenville, SC 20605.

When you see a police officer chatting with a motorist on Holland Road in front of Mauldin Middle or Mauldin Elementary for speeding in a school zone (School starts August 20.), the address of that meeting is Simpsonville, SC 29681.

When you’re in Brookfield Office Park looking for space for your business, dining at J. Peters, or staying at the currently under construction but soon-to-open Courtyard by Marriott on Millport Circle, you’ll be in Greenville, SC 29607.

If you’re spending your fall Friday nights at Mauldin High School’s Freeman Field watching the Mavericks play football under the lights, you’re in the comfort of Mauldin, SC 29662.

In any event, no matter what the ZIP Codes of those places are, you’re in Mauldin’s city limits, and we’re glad you’re here.

TAFT MATNEYserves in Seat 1 on Mauldin city Council. He can be reached at♦

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