Jim Scott and I are so THRILLED to announce a new National Register Site that we applied to the National Park Service for its recognition! After over 2 years of work, stomping through the sides of the Road to Augusta, and then research, the concrete sections of the US Highway 25 in SC that were paved in 1927/28 are now National Register Historic Sites! There are 7 sections of original concrete in Greenville County and 1 in Edgefield County, and they are described in our new book.
Learn about the development of the Road to Augusta in our book Highway 25 in the Carolinas. It’s a history of the road and a travel guide to find these important sections of the road that are left for us to use or see.
Purchase from Fork Shoals Historical Society. Remember we are raising funds to restore the McCullough House, ca. 1812, the oldest brick structure in Greenville County, and along the Augusta Road.
You can purchase or donate at the Fork Shoals Historical Society Facebook page or website.
Thanks for your support of preservation!
Anne Peden, Phd.
Greenville County Historic Preservation Commission
Fork Shoals Historical Society
Piedmont Historical Preservation Society