A new American Legion Post was recently formed in Mauldin, South Carolina. The Post is American Legion Post 271.
American Legion membership is built around four main missions or pillars which are:
- Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
- National Security
- Americanism
- Children and Youth
Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nations Veterans, Service Members, Families, and Youth of America and ordinary citizens.
American Legion Post 271, Mauldin, SCS meets the second Tuesday of each month. If you are a Veteran, we welcome you to come and join our new Post. For further information, please contact Carroll Kelley, Post Adjutant, at 864-905-2736.
Contact: Clyde W. Rector, Commander
American Legion, Mauldin, Post 271
864-304-5350 Centuryproperties1@att.net ♣