The Simpsonville Sentinel is so proud, and we’ve been so honored to serve the Fountain Inn, Simpsonville, Mauldin area and all the rural surrounding areas for 10 years. We distribute papers now from Gray Court, Fork Shoals, Moonville, Piedmont, and Five Forks as well as Fountain Inn, Simpsonville, and Mauldin. This is our 10th anniversary and we are celebrating with great pride!

We’re excited that our newspaper has so many beautiful and colorful pictures, our header and banner is always in vivid color too and supports holidays and historical events celebrated in America! We also are proud that our paper has a lot of “good news”.

We have informational articles from all three cities that we serve. We include news items, important local events, new business openings. We enjoy celebrating nature, history, special birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries!
We include at no charge memorials of friends and subscribers. You only need to notify us and send us the information to include.
Our contributing writers, photographers, webmaster, and graphic artist, make our paper so special. We have an incredibly talented team that helps us to continue to publish our wonderful local newspaper. Our advertisers never let us down with their loyal patronage. All of these people on our team have “stepped up to the plate” and helped make this challenging year of Coronavirus a success! We cannot thank you enough.
As we begin our 11th year, we pledge to continue to serve our communities with good news, insightful articles and lots of pictures and color.
We would love to have you as a subscriber with home delivery… Subscription form is in every paper or you can subscribe online at We can either mail your paper or have it delivered directly to your home.
Thank you for your past patronage. Our readers and advertisers are awesome!