Editor’s Note: We are sad to report that Mr. Jack Pendarvis is a little bit under the weather this month and he asked me if we would choose one of his writings from the past to fill-in. He promises to be back next month. Here goes… October 2017.
Well here I am again. I’m at a loss as to what to write about…I just start writing and it usually works out alright.
I know one thing; the birds are returning from the mountains and heading south. That means fall weather is here. Soon the folks from the lower part of the state will be coming up to see our leaves. I love our seasons, all four of them! We know when to bring out the winter clothing and put the T-shirts and shorts in the back of the closet.
My bluebird boxes were really active this year and were home for several families. If you don’t have a box for them, you should get one next spring. Bluebirds are people friendly and are a joy to see them fly across the lawn to catch a grasshopper. When they bring their prize to the nest, the little ones are all mouth. They stay hungry!
I told you last month about the old cedar trees being destroyed on the property across Rock Creek from my place. Well, now when I look that way all I see is bulldozers working to pull up the stumps and leaving a bare red hill of clay. I still am in the dark about what will be built there. It makes me sad to think that it seems like all empty places in town will soon be used up. You can’t stop progress. We are no longer a town, but a very busy city. I hope someday my property will be a small quiet little park where folks come to get away from all the hustle and bustle of today’s activities. Some folks already use my place to walk their dogs and some sit on my benches overlooking my small lake. All are welcome to fish or just sit and reflect on all that’s taking place around us.
I am praying for the families of the victims in Las Vegas…I hope you are too. I truly believe in prayer. My prayers are always answered, but not all are the answers that I wanted.
Enjoy the nice weather, I sure will, but hope for rain soon. I think I hear my grass crying.
Jack ■