Did you know just as I sat down to write, one of my renters knocked on my kitchen door. She needed an outdoor light on a long cord. It happened that I had a mechanics light for her to use. As we walked out the door with the light she yelled, “Oh, Snake!” She caught her breath and didn’t move. Now, I am not afraid of a snake as long as I see them at a short distance away. I can usually identify them. This was a common black snake so, I just picked up a stick and poked him to get it out of the way. My late wife was so afraid of snakes that she would scream if she saw one swimming across the pond which is a football field distance from the house. I have to say that always made me chuckle, but I never let her hear me! I was raised near a swamp in the lower part of South Carolina, so I am accustomed to seeing snakes and respect them being around. I’ve never killed one unless it was poisonous. Some snakes are beneficial to keep pests down.
Let us get away from that subject and move on. This pretty and warm weather has had me itching to get all my plants out and plant a few new ones. As a retired nursery man, I get itchy feet, wanting to dig in the dirt. I planted my banana trees today. I sure do hope we don’t have a late frost. That can be so damaging! If you haven’t pruned your shrubs yet, it’s still not too late do it soon as the new growth is starting to bud out. Better get going on that chore.
Do you have a problem of vandalism? I see stories about cars driving around and people stealing things from people’s front porches. It breaks my heart! Since my home is so far from my driveway entrance gate, I put my name on the gate post …it vanished overnight. Well I made another nice sign, carved in a small board, nailed it to the post. It lasted one day and was gone this morning. In the past I put a nice flagpole out there, ran up the Stars & Stripes and our blue-and-white state flag. They lasted one day. The flags were gone, and the halyards (ropes) were cut in small pieces. Why anyone would do that is beyond me! I still fly “Old Glory” near my home now. I am a combat veteran and I don’t want my flag desecrated, I am 90 years young and I want my coffin draped with my flag. People need to search their hearts…what they are doing is wrong and hurts other people.
Stay Well, Stay Safe and enjoy this wonderful spring…summer is not far off!
Love to all,
Jack ■
Many of these vandals are grown adults that have no understanding of your pride in our country.
Kids need some hard labor.. then they are too tired to vandalize