On Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 10:30 AM the Mauldin United Methodist Church celebrated its 150th anniversary. The event was conducted across the street from the church at the Mauldin Cultural Center Amphitheater.
With attendees scattered on the grounds with blankets and chairs the service began after a performance by musicians from the band and choir. The sermon was offered by L. Jonathan Holston, resident Bishop of the South Carolina conference of the United Methodist Church. He recognized church members and families for their dedication through the years. At the conclusion of the service congregants and attendees were invited to stay for a box lunch on the Mauldin cultural center grounds.
The history of the Mauldin United Methodist Church dates back to 1869 when a few people gathered under the poplar trees near a spring. One hundred and 50 years later, this spot is home to the Mauldin United Methodist Church, a church bustling with new and familiar faces from Mauldin and the surrounding communities.
The church had humble beginnings, one room church with the pastor on a circuit. As the congregation and communities grew so did Mauldin UMC. The members purchased their first organ for $40 with a down payment of $10. The sanctuary was built with their own hands, and when classrooms were needed, they dug out below the sanctuary. More years passed and the new sanctuary was completed in the 1970s. During that time a preschool was started to meet the needs of the families in the area and Mauldin UMC continued to grow. A second worship space was added in the early 2000’s as well as additional services.
The church has always had a passion for service, whether it was aid for the local farmers back in the late 1800s to serving overseas in Peru, Tanzania, and Costa Rica this past summer. They love God, and out of that love they serve their community by partnering with Mauldin Elementary with Backpack Blessings, opening our facilities to a local non-profit, serving meals at Triune, hosting families in our IHN homes, and more. The church is also home to a gifted choir and band, fruitful children’s and youth ministry, and ministries for all ages and stages of life.
Before the church had an organ, the congregations used a tuning fork for singing their hymns. In the early days, the men sat on the right side and the women sat on the left side. The older congregants, both men and women, sat in the Amen Corner. During these days of long ago, the church used to have “singing conventions” that lasted two days – Saturdays and Sundays.
A Sunday school class for young adults was formed in 1980 under the direction of Pastor Lem Carter. In the mid 1980’s the class was renamed The John Wesley Class; as it was now a class for young couples. Among the founding members were Jeff and Becky Reeves, Bill and Melanie McKinney, and Ed and Susan Johnson. Beyond the history, building, service, and ministries, Mauldin UMC is its people; a group of people who welcome new faces and meet you where you are. They “Live in Christ and Love all People.”
Current Pastor, Rev. Dr. Webb Belangia is proud of the fact that some of our families have called Mauldin UMC home for seven generations, and some joined us for the first time on this special Sunday. At the end of the day, it has been a blessing to be a part of the Mauldin community for 150 years and we look forward to being here for another 150. We hope to see you next Sunday!
Join us on Sundays at 8:45 or 11 AM for Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and Contemporary Worship in the Spirit Center. Sunday School for all ages at 10 AM.
864-288-4728 https://www. mauldinmethodist.com♦