Fork Shoals, Fountain Inn, Local, Mauldin, Moonville, Piedmont, Simpsonville

Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center Opens Fitness Field for Dogs

Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center (ARCC), the first veterinary rehab clinic in the Upstate, has opened a fitness field for dogs that includes an agility ring, along with other fitness and conditioning equipment, including cavaletti, ladders, a dig pit, balance planks, and a wobble board. Typical users include working, competition, and family dogs and their owners who want additional fitness, mobility, conditioning, and balance training options, as well as owners of new puppies and rescue dogs who want familiarization with new games and equipment that encourage exploration and socialization.

“I have wanted to develop a fitness field for dogs for several years now,” said Dicki Kennedy, DVM, founder and owner of ARCC. “So often I see dogs of all types — puppies, rescues, and senior dogs — who clearly need a way to exercise with their owners. Humans have gyms and fitness centers, so I thought dogs could benefit from a gym of their own as well. Of course, I encourage all of my clients to get outdoors with their dogs, to walk, and exercise them. A fitness field just offers another option — one that can help with balance, proprioception, core strength, and even socialization.”

Kennedy founded Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center, the first veterinary rehabilitation facility in the Upstate of South Carolina, in 2013. The center treats working, sporting, and performance dogs to extend their working or competition life, older dogs that need to recover pain-free mobility, dogs with injuries that don’t warrant surgery but require focused treatment, and dogs that have had surgery and need rehabilitation to return to normal activities.

ARCC’s one-acre, fenced-in fitness field is available for unlimited visits to Fitness Field members; members do not have to be patients at ARCC. Members receive a key code and may enjoy use of the fitness field from 7 a.m. to dark; a year-long membership costs $275.

Located in Simpsonville, SC, Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center offers an array of physical therapy, pain management, and conditioning services for canine athletes, sporting and working dogs, and injured or older pets. Rehabilitative care includes careful evaluations, assessments, and treatment and conditioning plans, along with Class IV laser therapy, ultrasound, pulsed signal therapy, electrical stimulation, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic. Canine conditioning equipment includes Oasis underwater treadmill, land treadmill, PetSafe Stance Analyzer, and FitPaws options, along with a fenced-in fitness and agility field.

For more information on Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center visit, like,
or contact the facility at 864.962.0101.♦

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