With a heavy heart, I greet you today, as we now know that Mollie Tibbetts’ body has been found in an Iowa cornfield, covered by cornstalks. This murder which took place in the heartland of America happens across this country way too often and could have easily been avoided. We can no longer live with the mindset of days gone by, leaving our doors unlocked, walking and jogging alone with no protection other than a cell phone and a threat to call the police. Each of us whether male or female must provide for our own personal security. My heart breaks for this family and friends of Mollie that must live with this incredible loss. I pray that they will heal, but that this will serve as a learning experience for young women across this country.
This tragedy is made even worse as her killer, Cristhian Rivera, was an illegal alien that shouldn’t have been in the country to begin with. How many loses do we have to ex- perience before we get tough on the criminals entering our country illegally? Of course, many of these criminals committed crimes in their home countries before invading the U.S. Just ask Ingrid Lake whose car was hit by a drunk driver illegal that severely injured her 6-year-old son on the way back from Disneyland in May 2017. Constantino Acosta had previously been deported 15 times! Ronald da Silva was murdered in his driveway while talking to a friend by an illegal that had also been previously deported. Tessa Tranchant, age 16 and her friend were killed by illegal and drunk Alfredo Rivera while sitting at a red light in Virginia Beach. Ramos had a history of prior drunk driving convictions. The list goes on, and none of these lives should have been terminated, totally preventable if our country had maintained the promise of protecting our citizens with strong borders and enforcement.
Until we as a people raise our voices in unison to demand stronger borders and enforcement of our laws, the politicians and criminals that want open borders will win, and we will continue to lose.
Don’t be a victim… be a Street Survivor !
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Rick ‘Pirate Hunter’ Grover strong ly believes we’re all in this together, and the more we learn and train, the better we’ll be prepared for any eventuality. This makes all of us part of an amazing neighborhood team of American Patriots. God Bless America !