The Simpsonville City Council is scheduled to vote on the second reading for the FY 2019 budget. According to city administrator, Dianna Gracely, there was a budget hearing in April, and limited discussion at the May council meeting.
The budget reflects a balanced financial situation with no tax increase and no tax anticipation note required.
For two years the citizens of Simpsonville have been without their leaf pick up service, but there is good news is in the making. The budget provides for two new leaf trucks among $1,340,000 in capital purchases listed on a ‘details page’ provided by the city administrator.
The Police Department will be purchasing a new vehicle along with some furniture, computers, and building improvements. The Fire Department will be replacing worn equipment and Public Works will be getting a new equipment trailer, two new trucks, funds for infrastructure to include CTC Road projects and culvert repair. The Public Works garage is getting a new compressor. Parks and Recreation will be improving kitchen counters and also installing an automatic door for the Senior Center.
Heritage Park equipment purchases include two Bush Hog attachments, a replacement of mower and sprayer machines along with a vehicle purchased to replace a 1998 model.
The Sewer Fund will be spending $137,000 on a sewer assessment tool, and a push camera for sewer inspections. They will also purchase two vehicles; a skid steer and a mini excavator.
Hospitality and Accommodations funds will be used to purchase land for downtown parking, two vehicles and a message board.
Assuming the budget passes a second reading it will take effect on July 1, 2018
The meeting will be held on June 12 at 6:30 PM in Council Chambers. An agenda for the business meeting has been posted on the city‘s website. ♦