With only days left until the November 7 election, the City of Simpsonville is faced with a big decision. Who will be representing them on City Council? Of the six candidates running for the three open seats, I am proud to say that there are three candidates worthy of consideration; Aaron Rupe Ward 2, Blake Whitaker Ward 4 and Jason Wilmoth Ward 6. At a recent gathering of the candidates, their families, friends, and supporters, I heard these three candidates speak about their goals and their interest in our community. They presented themselves as candidates dedicated to fairness, openness and inclusion of all citizens in Simpsonville.
It was truly a breath of fresh air. These candidates bring new ideas and a wealth of life experiences to implement those ideas.
Sadly, the city of Simpsonville politics is riddled with partisan, polarized attitudes that have a very a negative representation in the community. It’s easy to say but harder to implement…this has to stop. I think these three candidates are the best opportunity we have to begin building a Council that truly represents all of our community. Their campaigns have been largely self-financed and they are, as it should be, independent of any group or movement. They are honestly dedicated to open and transparent government.
We all want our candidates to do and act the way we expect but, the reality is they have to do what is best for our community with the information they are given. In the past we haven’t been able to trust elected officials to do that. I truly hope that this is the beginning of a blended, but independent group of thinkers. We deserve nothing less. That is why I am endorsing, Aaron Rupe Ward 2, Blake Whitaker Ward 4 and Jason Wilmoth Ward 6 for Simpsonville’s City Council. Vote November 7, it’s your right. It’s your responsibility!♦